Check out my projects...

Trek & Travel App

Crud Icon React Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon

Trek & Travel

React based web application modelled on a similar design to AirBnB. Created with Context API, React Routing for snappy and responsive pages and links. Uses modern Material UI and CSS3 with HTML5 and fully hosted live on Firebase. Brings in data using travel API provided by AirBnB. Hosted and served with optimized images, text and assets to ensure lightening fast loading times and Redux caching with React-Routing to enable mobile responsiveness.

Covid-19 Tracker

Crud Icon React Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon

Covid-19 Tracker

React based web app hosted on Firebase pulling live Covid-19 CCP Virus data and rendering statistics in an informative layout with dynamic real time database. Live map view and top stats cards. Dynamically updates from data API pulls from and provides chart analysis, country analytics, active cases, recoveries and deaths. Built with interaction and information in mind for the current pandemic. Fully responsive and mobile supported.

Booster Chat App

Crud Icon React Icon SQL Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon


Custom made React app based on Slack, built from the ground up with modern HTML, CSS and JS with React, React Redux, Firebase hosting, Google Authentication and FireStore real time database storage. The app is fully responsive with flex css snappy responsiveness with the React Context API. Secure, fast, and able to handle thousands of chats.

Lyric App

Crud Icon React Icon SQL Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon


Web based React app for pulling and displaying data from Spotify API. Allows playlists, music playback, custom authentication via Spotify and live editing and syncing of Spotify music. Built to demonstrate React skills. Uses React Context API. Pulls data from user authentication via Spotify, tokenizes and pulls playlists, songs, album art and has a working player.

Ravenous App

Crud Icon React Icon SQL Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon

Small Talk

React based social media web application with pulled in feeds, chat, contacts. Utilizes the React Context API and Redux pattern with Material UI, Google Authentication, Real Time Database with Firestore and live editable social media feed.

Hulu Clone App

Crud Icon React Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon

Hulu Clone

Early React based web app for interactive fetching movies and TV shows by filter and search. Generated dynamically using the TMDB api from Hulu as this mimics the functionality. Generate list of title, blurb, release date, like count and genre.

Trek & Travel App

Crud Icon React Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon


React based web application with Spotify API integration. Created with Context API, React Routing for snappy and responsive interaction. Uses modern Material UI and CSS3 with HTML5 and fully hosted live on Firebase. Brings in data using Spotify API provided by them. Redux caching to enable native mobile responsiveness. Create, edit and manage your playlists quickly.


Crud Icon React Icon SQL Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon


React based financial and stock trading web app, mobile responsive, built using modern design, material UI/icons. Has access to Finnhub API for live dynamically updated financial data presented with intuitive charts, graphs, trends, and statistics, Persistent database in fireStore. For viewing public trading info only against your own, do not use for real trading or financial projection, this is an alpha.

Ravenous App

Crud Icon React Icon Firebase Icon GCP Icon


Vanilla JS based web application for a restaurant/takeaway finder. Created with Context API, React Routing for snappy and responsive speed. Uses modern Material UI and CSS3 with HTML5 and fully hosted live on Firebase. Pulls in data from Yelp API for address, booking, contacts, images, reviews and ratings with full custom search and filtering.

Hazel Engine

React Icon React Icon React Icon React Icon React Icon

Hazel Engine

Hazel's intention is to create a powerful 2D/3D engine with ImGUI and GLSL. This is a project to teach. Planning for Mac, Linux, Android and iOS support to follow. Will have viewer, editor, DX/Vulkan/Metal integration, interaction and behaviour, AI, Proc Terrain and an Audio system. Download on GitLab.

Traffic & Pedestrian Detection

React Icon

Traffic & Pedestrian Detection

Fun side project using openCV image recognition tools in a python build. Simple car and people recognition app for images, live video and video files. Uses Harr Cascade algorithm and pre-trained face data via ML to detect highlight cars and people. Download on GitLab.

Smile Detection

React Icon

Smile Detection

Fun side project using openCV image recognition tools in a python build. Simple smile recognition app for images, live video and video files. Uses Harr Cascade algorithm and pre-trained face data via ML to detect and highlight human smiles. Download on GitLab.

About Myself

Hello, I am a passionate developer, inspired by technology and nature in my design and workflow. I have a few hobbies outside my work, chief among them been my love of manga, travelling when I am able to and just spending some quality time with friends and family.

I always aim to excel at each project I work on and invest my time and energy for the simple pleasures in life. I also enjoy taking part in open source projects as these expose me to new ideas, perspectives and a rabbit hole of knowledge and expertise.

I am a little musical when the feeling takes me, playing guitar on the side, mainly punk rock and a little blues country, weird combo but I like the contrast depending on the mood of the day. Though an amateur musician, I am finding plenty of time in 2020 to get to grips with the pick.

I have knowledge and experience in the following tech stacks

Web Stack Icons React Icon Angular Icon NodeJS Icon C# Icon .Net Core Icon C++ Icon Xamarin Icon Python Icon Golang Gopher Icon SQL Database Icon Azure Icon Amazon Web Services Icon Google Cloud Platform Icon Google Firebase Icon

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